Last week, netizens were amused with a new development in ‘Baba ka Dhaba’ controversy. The issue that started last year, finally came to an end, when YouTuber Gaurav Wasan accepted the apology by Kanta Prasad, over charges of swindling the money donated by people.
Gaurav tweeted, “All is well that ends well. The person who forgives is a bigger person than who makes a mistake – That’s what my parents have taught me.”
Gaurav visited Kanta Prasad at his roadside eatery recently, after his apology video went viral on social media. In the apology video, Kanta mentioned that Gaurav is not a fraud.
“Woh ladka koi chor nahi tha, na usko humne kabhi chor kahan hai,” Kanta said in the video with folded hands, that was shared on social media by a food blogger.
All this started in 2020, when Kanta shot to fame after Gaurav shared Kanta’s plight via his YouTube channel. In the plight video, Kanta and his wife were seen in tears on how they lost business amid the coronavirus pandemic, and then the video went viral.
In no time, hundreds of people lined up outside his eatery in south Delhi’s Malviya Nagar. People from across the country stepped forward and donated to help the couple. Later, Baba ka Dhaba was also listed on Zomato and the couple also started a restaurant.
Sadly, they had to shut the restaurant on February 15 this year as they could not sustain it and customers stopped coming due to COVID second wave.
Now, the couple is back to their old roadside eatery “Baba Ka Dhaba”. In a statement, Kanta mentioned, “I have saved ₹20 lakh for me and my wife from the money we received as donations last year. And I will run this business till I am alive.”
Thumb Image Courtesy: Instagram/Youtubeswadofficial
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