The Ultimage Guide to Men’s Eyebrow Grooming


You already trim your facial hair or beard regularly, but what about your brows? Eyebrows are one of the most important features of your face, so you should keep them looking their best. Therefore, making trimming and tidying part of your routine is a no-brainer. After all, wild, bushy eyebrows flatter no man. By taking a small amount of time to tame your brows, you’ll be able to open up your eye area for a more handsome and youthful appearance. All you need to do is find the right hair removal method for you, and you’ll soon have the perfect men’s eyebrow shape.



Men’s Eyebrow Shapes

How to Trim Men’s Eyebrows

Men’s Eyebrow Grooming Options

Men’s Eyebrows Trimming

Men’s Eyebrow Waxing

Men’s Eyebrow Threading

How to Pluck Eyebrows

How to Shape Men’s Eyebrows Tips


How should guys do their eyebrows?

How do guys trim bushy eyebrows?

Should I let my barber do my eyebrows?

Are bushy eyebrows attractive on guys?

What do eyebrows say about a man?

Men’s Eyebrow Shapes

When it comes to trimming and tidying your eyebrows, you need to be aware of your brow style and shape. Although ladies often alter the form of their brows to change their appearance, gents tend to look best with a more natural shape. If you want to keep your eyebrows natural and masculine, be careful when grooming and removing hair. Start with trimming and getting rid of excess weight from your brows. Doing so will automatically provide a cleaner, neater appearance. Then, start cleaning up your brows by removing any outlying hairs. If you want further definition, you should consider visiting a professional for expert advice and styling.



How to Trim Men’s Eyebrows

Trimming your brows should be a regular part of your grooming. As you age, your eyebrows naturally grow and become bushier. As such, establishing a routine to keep them in check and under control is ideal. Of course, you don’t want to trim your brows too much or accidentally alter their shape, so it’s important to know how to groom them properly. Achieving clean and flattering brows that are even in length, clearly divided, and mostly symmetrical can be more challenging than it seems. However, by following a proven process, you can quickly become an expert at achieving awesome eyebrows.



Men’s Eyebrow Grooming Options

As with all body hair, there are several different grooming options for your brows. Which one you select will depend on several factors including your lifestyle and desired results. Whether you choose to pluck your eyebrows with tweezers or have them threaded or waxed will be a personal decision that depends on your preferences. To find the one that’s right for you, consider your natural brows, how long you want the results to last, your tolerance for discomfort, how much money you’re willing to spend, and how defined you want your brows to be. One option you shouldn’t consider is shaving. As shaving will cut the hairs off, it will result in blunt, rough ends and brows that quickly regrow.



Men’s Eyebrows Trimming

Trimming the longer hairs of your brows is a great way to keep them looking neat and your face appearing handsome. To trim your eyebrows, you can either use scissors or an electric trimmer. To use scissors, select a pair that is straight with a short blade and designed for hair, such as moustache scissors. Then, brush your brows up using a comb and trim any hairs that are longer than the rest. If you have very bushy eyebrows and want to thin them out as you trim, you can consider using a trimmer, but be cautious. Select a moustache or beard trimmer or invest in one specially designed for brows and be careful as you cut.



Men’s Eyebrow Waxing

If you don’t want to groom your brows yourself, having an expert do it can be an excellent alternative. Waxing is a standard method for hair removal and can be useful for eyebrows. The method, which pulls out multiple hairs at a time, can provide clean, neatly defined and long-lasting results. How long exactly the results will last depends on your natural hair growth but can be anywhere between a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Waxing is particularly ideal for gents who have a lot of hair to clear, such as those with thick growth between the two brows. Of course, obtaining awesome eyebrows will require visiting an experienced technician. Although home waxing kits are available, they aren’t usually the best option. As it’s easy to make major mistakes with wax, you want to be sure that you’re in good hands.



Men’s Eyebrow Threading

Although eyebrow threading may sound confusing and daunting, it’s a surprisingly simple way to remove unwanted hair from a sensitive area. The traditional method works by using small, twisted cotton threads to catch and pull out hairs in a smooth, straight line. This process allows for more control and precision than waxing and is usually less painful. Of course, it also requires visiting a professional for the best results and prices will vary depending on where you go for treatment. As such, this method is ideal for gents who prefer a particular grooming routine for which they don’t mind leaving the house.



How to Pluck Eyebrows

Using tweezers is a great way to define the shape of your brows and precisely groom them. As the method removes one hair at a time, it can create perfect results. On top of that, plucking can also easily be done at home and costs very little. However, the process can also be quite time-consuming and cause discomfort. As such, it’s ideal for gents who only need to remove minimal hair and value an exact finish. If you select this method, be mindful not to over-pluck or alter the natural shape of your brows. Instead, only remove the stray hairs that sit away from your brows. Also, be sure to pull from the root of each strand to avoid breakage.



How to Shape Men’s Eyebrows Tips

  • Start by taking a shower or washing your face with warm water to open pores and make hair removal easier.
  • Comb your brows upwards and use a pair of scissors to trim any hairs that are longer than the rest.
  • Consider using an electric trimmer if your brows need to be thinned and shortened, but be careful.
  • Use tweezers to tidy up any hairs that grow outside the shape of your natural brows.
  • Try to maintain your natural eyebrow shape and just trim any excess.



How should guys do their eyebrows?

When it comes to tidying your eyebrows, you want to keep them as natural as possible, without removing too much hair. You can achieve this by trimming them and then removing outlying hairs. You should be careful about overplucking or creating a look that is too thin, as this can be feminine.

How do guys trim bushy eyebrows?

As you age, your eyebrows naturally become bushier, and it is important to add eyebrow trimming into your normal grooming routine. There are many different options for tidying up your brows and making them look neat and presentable. You can do this by tweezing or get them threaded or waxed. If you are unsure about the perfect shape for your brows, you can head to a salon, where a skilled professional can do it for you.

Should I let my barber do my eyebrows?

You may not have thought to ask your barber to trim your eyebrows, but this is definitely something he can do. You may also feel more comfortable having your barber do it rather than booking an appointment at a salon.

Are bushy eyebrows attractive on guys?

Bushy and thick eyebrows can be very attractive on a man, but it depends on his face shape. There is also a thin line between bushy and messy, so while it is fine to keep them big and natural-looking, you can always touch up a few stray hairs or get your brows trimmed.

What do eyebrows say about a man?

Your eyebrows can say a lot about your personality. If they are well-groomed, this gives off the impression that you are a professional or care about your appearance; if they are bushy and thick, this can create a very masculine appearance. At the end of the day, everything about your appearance adds to a person’s overall impression of you.

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